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The Interact Club at the high school is accepting non-perishable food donations for Second Harvest Food Bank NOW until Wednesday, December 20. Food donations can be brought to the advisory class of the student or items can be placed in the large donation boxes on the first floor of Frantz campus, 3811 North Galvez. Donations will be accepted on school days through the office between 9 am and 2 pm. The office entrance is on Alvar Street. Food Banks are in great need so our contributions can really make a difference. Here are some helpful guidelines:

  1. Second Harvest accepts nearly all types of food products, including nonperishable items and produce.

  2. Non-glass containers are preferable for safety reasons.

  3. Consider nutritional items that are low in sodium/salt and sugar.

  4. Milk – shelf-stable milk, evaporated milk, dry milk

  5. Fruits & vegetables – canned vegetables, canned fruits, shelf-stable vegetable or fruit juice, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, dried fruits, fruit cups

  6. Cooking oil – olive oil, canola oil, coconut oil, vegetable oil

  7. Grains – breakfast cereal, oatmeal, pasta, rice, crackers, flour, grits, health snacks

  8. Proteins – canned tuna and chicken, dried beans, lentils or peas, canned beans, canned chili, nut butter, nuts, trail mix, canned soups/stews

  9. Household items – paper products, diapers, toiletries, bottled water, cleaning products, coffee

Contact: Robert Lorsbach, High School Individuals & Societies Teacher and Interact Club Sponsor,