PowerSchool LogoPowerSchool tracks a student’s academic progress and provides a view of classes, teacher emails, assignments and grades as well as attendance.

At Morris Jeff, all parents have access to PowerSchool to track grades, attendance, and contact your child’s teacher(s) easily. Students in Grades 6-12 are provided student access. Access is provided at the beginning of the year to new students and parents. These videos may help you with creating your account and access Powerschool.

Returning students and parents can login to PowerSchool with login information from previous year. Students should ask for PowerSchool support from their advisor or teacher(s).

The Student/Parent Portal is morrisjeffschool.powerschool.com.

Parent access to PowerSchool requires the following steps:PowerSchool Login

1. Parents are required to CREATE an ACCOUNT in a web browser either on a mobile device or computer (see screenshot)

2. Parents create their own username and password for a PowerSchool parent account.

3. When linking students to a parent account, use “Student Confidential ID” and “Student Password” from the parent information letter.

Please note: After the parent account is created in a browser first, access to the PowerSchool Mobile app is available. Our “district” mobile code is QCJP.

If you need assistance in setting up your parent account, please contact your campus office for assistance. Questions regarding grades may be directed to the student’s teacher.