Morris Jeff Community School is an authorized IB World School offering the Middle Years Programme (MYP) to Grades 6-8 students. The MYP is a challenging five-year program that encourages students to connect between subjects and apply their knowledge to the real world. The MYP begins in Grade 6, ending with Grade 10. In Grades 6-8, students take eight subjects:
Arts (Performing or Visual)
Individuals and Societies
Language Acquisition
Language and Literature
Physical and Health Education
In Grade 8, students complete the Community Project, where they, individually or collaboratively, complete a service project that they design that addresses needs in our school or the greater community.
The MYP is meant to teach students academic independence in addition to developing MYP students’ personal, social, and emotional well-being. It offers students opportunities to develop their potential, explore their learning preferences, take appropriate risks, reflect on, and develop a strong sense of personal identity.