Immunization and Health Requirements

Parents must submit each child's immunization records and completed health forms at student registration. All forms must be completed before the child’s first school day at Morris Jeff. A student will not be allowed to attend school if these records are not on file. If you have questions, please see the office manager or the school nurse. Contact the campus office or the school nurse to complete the Student Health Form.


All medication in the school setting must be ordered by a medical doctor or dentist licensed in Louisiana. Medication must be in a container acceptable to pharmacy standards. Clear instructions for the administration of medication must be provided. All medication to be administered routinely at school must be brought to the school office by a parent. Medication forms must be completed by the parent and the doctor annually and a medication plan must be developed with the school nurse. Students may not carry their own medication unless the doctor’s orders specify that they have been instructed in self-administration. Antibiotics, cough medicines, aspirin, etc., are not permitted. However, parents or designees may come to administer such medicines. Students will be called out of class to the office for a parent to administer the medicine. Any questions on these policies should be directed to the respective school nurse.

Forms & Policies