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Morris Jeff will administer ACT and Pre-ACT testing during school for high school students. Students who are not testing will not have school. Please note the early dismissal times for testing students below.

On Tuesday, March 12, all Grade 11 students, and Grade 12 students who have not yet taken the ACT (and those who have elected to test this date) are required to report to school for ACT state testing. They must bring their Chromebooks fully charged. Transportation is provided for testers who ride the school bus, as well as breakfast and lunch. Testing students will be dismissed at 1:00 PM.*

On Tuesday, March 19, all Grades 9 and 10 students are required to report to school for a Pre-ACT test. Transportation is provided for testers who ride the school bus, as well as breakfast and lunch. Testing students will be dismissed at 12:30 PM.*

*Any students with extended time testing may go longer and must provide their own transportation.

Contact: Ms. Evans, High School Dean of Academic Affairs at